Dare To Be Wild Read online

Page 6

  Jasi leaned in to explain the remote and share with him some need to know information so he’d know exactly what needed to be done for Livia while she took care of more pressing, and personal, business.

  “I think that’s entirely possible,” he said, giving her a conspiratorial smile.

  “Treat her nice,” Jasi insisted as the bartender smiled and nodded.

  Jasi picked up their drinks and headed back over to join Livi at the booth. From the corner of her eye, she watched as Belinda finished her drink, slipped gracefully off her barstool, and headed toward the unisex bathroom.

  “A toast,” Jasi said, raising her glass. “To the fuck-it list. May all your fantasies come true!”

  They tapped glasses and as Livia raised the cocktail to her lips, her clit began to tingle. This time, the pace was different, more syncopated and rhythmic. It was delightfully confusing her vagina with a delicious buildup of vibrations, followed by seconds of stillness before revving up again. The tempo was maddening and Livia crossed her legs again, trying to stunt the pleasure before she exploded right there in the booth.

  “Stop it!” she demanded, before gulping down half of the smooth-tasting martini. “Oooh. Se..seriously, give me that th..thing!” Livia demanded, holding her hand out. “I caaa…n’t take it much longer, and I refuse…mmmm… to embarrass myself.”

  “Can’t, and wouldn’t even if I could.” Jasi laughed. “I’ll be right back,” she said, and headed off to the bathroom to get some quick nib teasing of her own.

  The zinging stopped and camouflaging her peek at the bartender behind a sweeping view of the bar, Livia looked around the small establishment. Still awaiting the after work crowd, Jessebelle’s remained nearly empty. Her eyes came back to the bar, catching Mr. Fox’s eye. They exchanged brief smiles before Liv looked away, and Quincy started singing again.

  “Omigod!” she blurted out as her body nearly jumped in her seat. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the Fox chuckle. Damn it, Jasi! She wished Jas would stop, because her vadge could not take much more of this blissful torture. Livi quickly downed the rest of her cocktail, trying to cool the heat creeping between her legs and up her neck.

  “Another drink, miss?” the waitress strolled over to the booth to ask.

  “Yes, please,” she said, her eyes following the server back to the bar so she could steal another look at the Fox. She was both relieved and disappointed to see that his shift must have ended; a new bartender was now mixing her drink.

  Livia sighed and closed her eyes, resorting to her imagination to bring back the hottie drink slinger. In the bedroom in her mind, he was sucking her nipples and running his hands between her legs. Quincy clutched hard at the thought before shedding tears of desire. Her new panties were beginning to feel soaked and it took everything Livia had not to slip her hands between her legs and give herself a quick rub.

  Just as the Fox’s imaginary tongue was leaving her belly button and traveling down toward her hungry clit, Livi felt a tap on her shoulder. Her embarrassed eyes flew open as she wondered what expressions had been traipsing across her face.

  “Excuse me, miss,” the waitress interrupted, “but there is a problem with your credit card and the manager needs to see you in the office.”

  “Uh, thanks,” Livia replied, her head turning in the direction of the server’s pointed hand.

  Concern pushed her sexual urges to the side. Just like her bakery, Livia’s credit was pristine. It had to be for Havin’ Your Cake stay in business. There must be some error. As she jumped to her feet ready to find out, her boozy head forced her to sit again. Liv reached for her glass of water, hoping a quick dilution would help sober her up a bit and allow her to talk business. She finished her water, pulled herself together, picked up her purse, and walked along the bar to the manager’s office.

  Livi knocked, and instead of hearing a welcoming voice, she felt three, quick and tingling shots to her bud. The surprise assault caused her to steady herself against the wall as more tiny orgasms exploded like fireworks in her pants. She looked around for Jasi, who had yet to emerge from the ladies’ room. What the hell? That remote had more range than she imagined.

  Feeling the dampness between her legs, Livia exhaled, and knocked again. This time she heard a deep sounding, “Come in,” and pushed the door open, only to find herself in the Fox’s hole.

  “Hi. There’s a problem with my card?” she asked, gently squeezing her legs together in an effort to shut Quincy the hell up. “Actually, your card is fine, Livia. But apparently you need some help with a certain…list,” he said, holding up the remote and pushing the button.

  “How did you get that?” Livia said as it dawned on her what Jasi had done. “Omigod, it’s been you?”

  “Your friend asked me to take over for a while. And I’ve enjoyed watching you squirm, so to speak,” he told her, coming close enough for her to smell cloves on his breath. “So I was wondering if you’d care to cross off another item on that list tonight. You know the one about getting lost in the moment with a perfect stranger.” Fox put his fingers in her hair and pulled one of the blonde, springy curls across her cheek, tickling her lips.

  Damn! Jasi and her big mouth! What else had she told him?

  “May I?” he asked, bringing her thoughts back into the moment.

  For one split second, Livia’s usual conservative self tried to protest, but she was quickly shut down by Quincy, who was now taking full control of the situation. Livia’s alter ego was horny, ready and willing for some hot sex. And truth be told, so was Liv. She was so tired of trying to curb her desire with self-pleasuring that Jasi’s intercourse rider to her pinky swear was looking like a very doable mandate.

  Making a mental note to address Jasi later, Liv pushed her friend out of her mind, and lifted her lips to his. She proceeded to first lick, and then suck his lower lip before accepting his tongue in her mouth. It was a smooch hot enough to suspend time and melt opposition. Livia felt herself getting lost in a pool of familiar but nearly forgotten sensations, when Fox engaged the vibrator again.

  “No more,” she pleaded, tired of the metal stimulation and craving manly flesh. She made her point clear by pulling away long enough to step out of her panties and let them drop to the floor. Fox smiled, and reached around to the zipper on her skirt, separating the teeth and sending it flitting to the ground to join her drawers. Feeling inebriated and emboldened, Livia reached for his hand and placed it between her long and shapely legs. It was a move that effectively aroused both of them to an impassioned pitch.

  Fox’s fingers dipped into Quincy’s gushy well and swirled her pussy pudding around her fully engorged clit. He massaged her nib with his index finger while taking two others and finger fucking her with a promising rhythm. Livia allowed her pelvis to buck against his hand, as desire overwhelmingly conquered any sense of decorum. Her desperate kiss became a torch, igniting their physical need to go further, faster.

  Again, Fox pulled away, this time to unbutton her blouse and reveal her perfect breasts. His action caused Livia’s breath to catch in her throat, but she had no time to worry if he thought her boobs were real or faux, as his actions revealed it really didn’t matter. He peeled the lacy fabric away and directed his hot mouth to her protruding nipples. He nibbled them with expert technique until Livia heard a lazy moan escape her lips. They still worked! Her nipples were back to being scrumptiously sensitive and responsive to the tongue. Hearing her excitement, Fox lingered there, rolling her erect nibs gently between his teeth. Livi continued to moan, arching her back and pressing herself against him, letting him know she was oh so willing for more.

  They stumbled across the floor, in an awkward dance that added an additional layer of wanton lust to their encounter. Fox pushed her back against the door, providing the support needed to withstand this delicious ravishing.

  Livia closed her eyes and took a deep, satisfying breath. It felt so damn good to have a man’s hands and mouth on her body again. For
the first time in such a very long time, she felt alive and sexy and vibrant. She’d gone so long without sex that she’d begun to wonder if she even liked it any more. Today, she had her answer. HELL FUCKING YES!

  She could hear the bar filling up outside, but instead of being put off, she was turned on. At that moment, Livi didn’t care about the strangers beyond the office door, her friends, her moral convictions or anything other than having passionate, spontaneous sex with this sumptuous black brother.

  Livia’s pelvis pushed forward toward his. She felt his thick erection jump through his jeans as his lips returned to her face. Their kiss became more urgent as Fox’s lips devoured hers and his tongue tickled the inside of her mouth. His hand continued to massage her pussy, dipping, sliding, poking and teasing it into madness.

  “Yeah, bitch, I’m gonna fuck you good,” Fox said under his breath, but loud enough to catch Livia’s ears.

  Bitch? Did he just call me bitch?

  Livia raised her hands to his chest and pushed him away. Calling her out of her name was a definite turn off. For some women it may be a new school term of endearment, but Liv was not one of them. She felt offended and used. She may have not had intercourse in over four years, but did she really want to get reacquainted with dick in some bullshit office with some disrespectful bullshit artist.

  “Why? What?” he asked hoarsely. He held his now hard as a rod dick in his hand, clearly confused by what had just happened.

  “I’m not a bitch,” Livia told him as she sidled across the floor to retrieve her skirt and panties. Suddenly feeling humiliated, she tried to ignore the Fox in the room as she dressed quickly, removing the vibrator from its pocket and holding it in her palm as she fluffed out her blonde halo of curls.

  “Baby, I didn’t mean anything by that. For real.”

  “I’m not your baby either.”

  Livia scooted past Fox, avoiding his eyes and opening the door. Suddenly, she heard a buzz and felt the vibrations from the bullet climb up her arm.

  “Don’t forget this,” he said, holding up the remote.

  “Keep it,” she said, dropping the bullet on the floor and walking out.

  The internal chatter of disgust provided the soundtrack to her departure as Livia made a beeline to the bathroom to clean up, gather her thoughts, and find her sneaky friend. She was a mix of divergent emotions. Livi wanted to curse Jasi for setting her up like that, and herself for allowing some strange man to ravish and then insult her all in the name of some stupid covenant between friends. Quincy, on the other hand, was still revved up and now pissed at Liv for refusing to end her miserable sexual drought.

  Livia got to the unisex bathroom and once again, behind door number two in this joint, she was met with a shock. The sounds of sex in the making greeted her before her eyes fell on the couple in mid-lick. There stood an attractive brunette, back to the wall, skirt pulled up around her waist, with Jasi’s head bobbing up and down between her legs. Livia’s gasp broke the ladies’ concentration. Six eyeballs ricocheted around the space as the three traded confused and embarrassed looks. Jasi and Livia locked eyes, engaged in a split-second conversation heavy with confusion, betrayal and embarrassment, before Livia turned on her heels and walked through the bar and out of the front door.

  Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

  Livia sat at the table, anxiously awaiting Lena’s and Aleesa’s arrival. She’d arranged this emergency lunch meeting so they could discuss everything. Well, almost everything that had happened at Jessebelle’s. A week later later, she was still shocked and confused by both her and her friend’s behavior, and had yet to answer any of Jasi’s multiple calls or texts. And now she was back in the city, in need of help sorting out her feelings, and knowing that the always forthcoming, IMDO (in my damn opinion) team would do just that.

  It had been Livia’s intention to open up with the Jasi scandal, but she was now having second thoughts. She’d learned about Jasi’s alternative lifestyle by accident, not admission, so did she really have the right to out her friend? One’s sexuality was a big deal. If Jas had wanted the three of them to know about her sexual preferences, she would have told them.

  Instead of lying to us all, and pretending to be someone she isn’t, Liv thought, but didn’t share. It suddenly occurred to her that at the center of her confusion was pure anger at Jasi for not trusting them enough to love her, whatever her desires.

  And could you? Would you still love her knowing that she lived a lifestyle that you’d been taught all your life was wrong and perverted? Livia queried herself. She honestly wasn’t sure. She wasn’t homophobic in that evangelical, conservative, Southern kind of way. Liv didn’t think that gays would be damned in hell, and she truly believed that they should be treated like everyone else when it came to their civil liberties. But still, it didn’t seem normal.

  Livia’s thoughts continued to baffle and anger her. Before she caught her with that woman in the restroom, Jasi was one of her dearest, and definitely go-to friends. But this new knowledge put an entirely different, and rather ominous, slant on Jasi’s entire life. It was no secret that they all lovingly referred to Jasi as a slut with a heart of gold, but was she gay as well?

  Gay or not, she was still a liar, and fraud. There she was, making all of her bullshit demands for me to work it, and own it, and make no excuses, when she couldn’t even do those things herself.

  And what kind of friend sets another friend up like that? That bartender could have been a crazy rapist or something. But Jasi, with her cavalier, fuck and be fucked attitude about sex, had sent her in that office like a lamb to the slaughter. As the old adage went, with friends like that, who needed damn enemies?

  Livia’s thoughts switched over from her confusion over Jasi to her own bawdy behavior. She hadn’t exactly walked out once she’d understood what was going on. In fairness, she couldn’t hold Jasi completely responsible. She’d been willing to play the game until the rules changed.

  Liv checked her watch. The girls were running late, which was unusual for her always punctual crew. To pass the time, she pulled out her list for review. Aleesa had already informed her that she expected a full report on her progress thus far. Happily, she could report that she’d fulfilled her end of the promise and be done with this. It was clear from her experience at Jessebelle’s, she had neither the guts nor the disposition to be even a part-time ho.

  Fuck It List

  1. Buy and play with toys.

  2. Vacation at a nude beach and go skinny-dipping.

  3. Make love on a boat

  4. Get a sexy tattoo

  5. Sex with Kiss a woman

  5. TBD act of outrageous sex

  6. Have a one night stand with a stranger

  7. Have sex in a public place

  8. Have a 9 1/2 Weeks Sexy Food Play

  9. Find and fuck Bobby Jeffries

  10. Buy a yellow chair.

  Going over the fuck-it list, Livia was satisfied that the items she had managed to accomplish could definitely be listed under the spontaneous, adventurous, and bold columns.

  Not bad for a good little Catholic girl like yourself.

  Livia took her finger and symbolically drew an invisible line across the rest of the sexual scenarios on the list. She was hoping to feel the same sense of accomplishment she’d experienced with every other list she’d ever made and completed. Livi had literally stumbled into realizing two of her fantasies, thus fulfilling her promise and, in her mind, rendering the list defunct. But even though she’d held up her end of the pinky swear, the sensual side of her, Quincy to be exact, wanted to complete the journey. Somewhere between the fingering herself in the shadow of the man in the yellow chair and getting fingered by Mr. Fox at the bar, Livia’s sleeping libido had been awakened. Quincy wanted to complete her mission and strut into fifty feeling like she and sex were satisfied peers.

  However, being called a bitch by a man she didn’t know, but was ready to fuck, and seeing Jasi going down on that girl in
a public bathroom had squashed the appeal of sexual vagabonding for Livia’s more sensible side. Forget Jasi’s deep, dark secret that Livia’s barging in had unintentionally revealed, witnessing her friend doing publically, what should done in private, had convinced Livia she had neither the appetite nor the disposition for the potential humiliation that could accompany living and loving scandalously. Fifty or not, she cared about what her friends and family thought about her. What if Jasi had walked in on her? Or one of her clients? She would have been mortified. Some things were not meant to be shared, even among friends.

  “Hey, girl,” Lena’s voice interrupted.

  Livia quickly folded the list and tucked it in her palm while she stood to welcome her girlfriend and cousin with a kiss.

  “Sorry we’re late. You know it wasn’t me,” Aleesa said, scooting into the booth across from her. “Miss Large and in Charge here got held up in a meeting.”

  “And I’m sorry. Contract negotiations. I have to get back,” she informed them. “I only have an hour.”

  “No worries,” Lees commented as they both picked up menus.

  Livia checked out her girls while they perused the lunch selection. The three of them were quite the exercise in compare and cotrast. Aleesa Davis, with her dark hair and chocolate skin, had an effervescent energy that was approachable and friendly, and served her well as a television marketing executive. Lena Macy, on the other hand, from her hazel eyes and long, fine hair, bore all the telltale signs of a biracial family tree. And Lena carried herself like the wealthy, powerful CEO that she was. She might appear aloof and intimidating to strangers, but to those who knew and loved her, Lena was a warm, crack up of a loyal friend who was as generous as they come.

  Where the other two were height-challenged, Livia, with her perpetually tan complexion and honey-colored bushel of hair, stood a regal and commanding, five feet ten inches. She was the shyest and most conservative of the three in both look and action, but as her past health issues had proven, she was a fierce fighter and survivor. Together, they were a cache of midlife magnificence and each still had what it took to cause men to want to stop, drop and take a lustful roll.