Dare To Be Wild Page 5
“I’m really looking for something kind of simple and discreet. All of this is new territory. I need to start slowly.”
“Absolutely,” she said, moving toward a nearby shelf and pulling from it several items that looked nothing like the weird sea creature-shaped vibrators and huge pearl-stuffed dicks Jasi had been throwing Livi’s way. The clerk put on the glass counter in front of her a silver tube of lipstick, an egg, a fig leaf and a pair of lace panties. “Most newbies start with vibrators.”
“These are vibrators?”
“Yep.” She removed the top from the lipstick, twisted the bottom and placed the top of the red “lipstick” into Liv’s palm. She could feel the vibrations in her hand and through her arm.
“It’s pretty strong,” Livia commented.
“Yep, feels great when properly applied,” she quipped. “Very discreet and folks would never suspect.”
“I like that.” Suddenly a rush of naughty ran through her. This was a dirty little secret she could handle. “This one is definitely going home.”
“You might also like this as well,” the clerk said, putting the fuchsia fig leaf in her hand. “It’s extremely discreet, and you can use it with the bullet inside or not. She lightly caressed the back of Livia’s hand with the velvety textured leaf. “You can also put it in your panties or stimulate your nipples. It’s great with a partner for an erotic massage, and you can use it with any kind of oils. Very versatile.”
As the clerk rubbed this nontraditional toy up Livia’s arm, she could feel the vibrations throughout the entire leaf and imagined what it would feel like in her underpants. The idea alone got her feeling all tingly down there.
“Okay. I’ll take that as well,” Livia announced, suddenly on a spree and getting excited over her new toys. “And what’s this?”
“These are remote control panties. Really lovely, black lace bikini, with a little gusset in the crotch that holds a bullet vibrator.”
“And the remote?”
“Well, you can use it to activate it yourself or give it to your lover to get your attention with a little illicit buzz.”
“Oh, sounds fun but, uh…I don’t have a lover—”
“At the moment,” Jasi returned to finish her sentence. “These sound fun. You should get a pair.”
“They’re expensive, ninety bucks to be exact. They’ll just sit in my drawer. It’s a waste of money.”
“Consider them my gift to you. We’ll take them,” she told the clerk. “And some batteries, please.”
“And use them with whom?”
“Well, later, when you start going down your list, these might come in handy,” Jasi said. Livia could see the light of another crazy idea shining through her eyes.
“Right now, we might as well give you a kick start on whittling down that list. Is there a place she can put them on?” Jasi asked the sales girl.
“Jasi, what the hell?”
“Oh come on, let’s go hit a bar and have some fun before we go.”
“Jessebelle’s is right on the corner,” the sales girl offered before going to ring up their purchase.
“Perfect. We’ll go there and have a drink. I’ll buzz you a few times, get you good and horny and you can go home and play with your new toys. Come on; it will be fun.”
“You are damn crazy, girl. Your twists are apparently way too tight.” Livia looked at Jasi in total disbelief. To be one of the tiniest of women she knew, barely five feet and one hundred pounds, Jasi Westfield had the audacity and boldness of a gladiator three times her size.
“What’s the big deal? You said that number one on your fuck-it list was to buy and play with toys. Well, we’ve done the buying; now let’s get on with the playing. Jeezus, Liv. You’re not getting naked. Not screwing anyone. You’re not doing anything but revving up your coochie and having a little fun. Lighten up. New lease on life, remember?”
Livia took a deep breath and didn’t even bother to ask the question. She knew what Quincy would do, so she grabbed the panties and headed to the dressing room. Ready or not, Quincy was about to make her debut.
Girl Interrupted
Livia and Jas departed Tickle Me Pink and walked up half a block toward the bar. Snug in its cotton pocket, Livia could feel the hard, cylindrical pocket vibrator pressing up against her lower lips. She tried to keep her stride looking as normal as possible, but Liv felt like she was walking with a tube of lipstick jammed down her underpants.
“I’ve really been meaning to go see that play,” Jasi commented, as they waited for the light to change and a yellow cab advertising Sister Act zipped past them. “Lena and Aleesa want to see it, too. We should go for your birthday.”
“Sounds like a plaaaan…” Livia replied, her voice rising in pitch, as what could only be compared to an electrical jolt buzzed her pussy lips. The shock and awe of it all caused Livi’s body to stiffen and jump slightly while she tried to don an extremely unconvincing poker face.
Jasi attempted to swallow her laughter as she pushed the remote again. This time, Livia sucked in her breath, trying to internalize the pleasurable vibrations with no external indication. She took a quick peek around her, convinced that, despite the city noises going on all around them, everyone could hear the buzzing sound coming from under her skirt. She cut her eyes in Jasi’s direction, only to be met by the teasing laughter of her mischievous friend.
The light changed and the humming stopped, so Livia stepped off the curb and followed the crowd of tourists and New Yorkers into the street. She’d taken only a few steps when her knees slightly buckled, weakened by the delicious, nonstop assault to her vagina. Livia heard Jasi giggle behind her as she kept her finger steady on the trigger.
“Keep it movin’, lady,” the guy behind her grumbled, after nearly colliding with Livia.
“Omigod,” Livia offered her breathless apology with a slight chuckle. “I’m so…so sorry.”
Jasi momentarily let up from the remote, allowing Livia to take another couple of steps before blissfully battering her crotch again. She continued chuckling as Livi tried to navigate the crosswalk without stopping or bumping into anyone again. Walking had slightly shifted the bullet and each stride shook her rapidly swelling clit and sent a pleasurable vibration across her pelvis and lower extremities.
Once Livia stepped up on the opposite curve, Jasi stopped the torment and witnessed her release a tense exhale. Jas stepped beside her friend and smiled as Livia punched her playfully in the arm.
“I can’t believe you did that!”
“Who are you trying to kid? You loved it. I thought you were going to get off right there in the middle of the street.”
Livia’s response came in the form of an exaggerated eye roll followed by a toothy grin. She hadn’t told Jasi about her alter ego, and she would never admit it out loud, but just like she had following Naomi’s cake delivery, Livi was feeling rather bold and scandalous. And much to her surprise, she, aka Quincy, liked it. “You’re crazy,” was all she offered.
“Yeah, well you know what Jimi Hendrix said: ‘Craziness is like heaven.’”
It was a minute or two past four-thirty when they walked through the doors of Jessebelle’s. It was small, but its high, vaulted ceiling made it feel open and airy. Booths built for four lined either side of the horseshoe-shaped bar. Everything, from the walls to the barstools, was covered in burgundy leather, lending a dark, decadent sex appeal to the place. Seating options were plentiful, as the after work crowd had yet to descend, so Livia headed over to a prime booth, one where they could witness the comings and goings around them.
Jasi knew all about Jessebelle’s, but didn’t want to freak Livia out. She’d figure it out for herself soon enough—or not. Either way, Jasi figured it might be amusing to watch her friend squirm, both from the jolts to her pussy, and the one to her head once she realized that despite Jessebelle’s coed appearance, it was a bar that quietly catered to the undercover, girl-on-girl crowd.
“What can I g
et you ladies?” the waitress sauntered over to inquire.
“I don’t know what to order. There’s so much here,” Livia said, checking out the drink menu.
What would Quincy drink? she wondered to herself. No way would hot and spontaneous Quincy be drinking a fuddy-duddy wine spritzer. “I’m kind of in the mood for something new.”
“One very dirty martini, and my friend here will have a green teani,” Jasi told the waitress, with a flirty smile.
“Really? A green tea martini?”
“Yes, doll. You really need to get out more. There is a whole world out here that you have yet to discover.”
“I know. I know.”
“So how’s your list shaping up?” Jasi inquired, giving her friend a shot in the clit for emphasis as the waitress arrived with their drinks.
“Ummmm. Thanks.” Gratitude, rolled up in a quiet moan, slipped between Liv’s lips. She reached for the glass and downed half the drink, a useless attempt to put out the fire in her panties, and quiet the noises in her throat.
“Okay, now slow down so you can taste the damn thing,” Jasi suggested.
“Sorry, you and that damn remote have got me all discombobulated,” Livia said before sipping the martini and letting its taste settle onto her tongue. “Ooh, this is strong, but really good!”
“I figured you’d like it. Since green tea is your favorite hot drink so it stands to reason you’d like the cocktail version.”
“You’re a good date,” Liv complimented her.
“I know this,” Jasi responded, punctuating each word with a buzz to Livia’s clit.
Nicely liquored up, Jasi relaxed and let Quincy enjoy the ride. She let her body relax into the cushy leather upholstery. She pressed her pelvis into the seat looking for relief from the delightful agitation. Quincy responded by exploding into a thousand micro orgasms, prompting Livia to cross her legs, squeeze her inner muscles, and hide her moans in a cough.
Jasi could tell by Livi’s flushed face that their friendly sex play was getting to her. Jasi also recognized that it was firing up her own girl dick as well. How could she not get turned on? She was clit-buzzing a beautiful woman and watching her squirm with pleasure. Damn that Chrissie for getting all personal and possessive before she’d been adequately satisfied! Now the raggedy remnants of Jasi’s unquenched lust were intruding on what should be a fun-filled, platonic outing with one of her best, and most unavailable, friends.
“This is so wicked.”
“Wicked is good, especially for a girl scout like yourself.”
Livia sipped on her drink, responding in her head. Humph! Livia might be, but Quincy’s no girl scout. Quincy gets herself off watching other people get off. Quincy has orgasms while another girl masturbates herself from afar. Quincy would totally consider fucking that hot ass bartender behind the bar simply because she thinks he’s cute. Quincy’s a quietly wicked little slut!
“Damn, a Benjamin for your thoughts,” Jasi said, watching the lustful expressions traipse across her friend’s face. She gave Livi five seconds of nib stimulation, taking pleasure in the fact that she was keeping Livia dancing on the razor edge of a truly powerful, and extremely public orgasm.
“Stop. Seriously. I’m about to come again right here.”
“Again? Go for it, you little freak!” Jasi said, buzzing her again.
“Okay, I’ll stop if you tell me what you were thinking about.”
“I was admiring the guy behind the bar. He’s definitely a cutie.”
Jasi turned to check out the honey who’d caught Livia’s attention. She managed a good investigative look before locking eyes with the extremely hot Latina sister sitting at the bar. “I thought you didn’t like the youngins.”
“Not ordinarily, but doesn’t he look just like—”
“Rick Fox.”
“Exactly! Well, maybe his son or little brother.”
“So are you telling me you’d like to hit that?” Jasi asked, simultaneously teasing Liv’s crotch with an electronic tickle.
“Maaybe,” Liv replied in singsong while going with the flow. The alcohol was definitely mellowing her mood.
“Interesting. These magic panties must really be getting to you. So, what else is on your fuck-it list?”
Livia took a swig of her cocktail, buying time while she decided how much to reveal to Jasi about her list. She wanted to keep things close to the vest, mainly to avoid ridicule and a barrage of specific questions about how things were proceeding. Quincy, however, was insistent on full disclosure. Livi decided to meet her spunky vajayjay somewhere in the middle.
“Well, besides buying toys and playing with them, which we’ve already done here today, I want to go to a nude sunbathing beach and get a sexy tattoo. Oh, and don’t ask me why, but I’m obsessed with finding a yellow leather chair to make love in.”
“Okay. I don’t even want to know what that’s about,” Jasi said, and much to Livia’s relief, dismissed the leather chair revelation. “I mean, those sound nice, but this is supposed to be your damn f-u-c-k list—as in sex, intercourse, layin’ pipe. I’m hearing about vacations and furniture shopping, but there’s nothing on that list that has anything to do with fucking.”
“Remember, I only have to do two.”
“Fine, and today you’ve crossed off one, but the other one has to at least involve another person.”
“I don’t believe that was ever specified as part of the pinky swear.”
“Well, I’m amending the rules,” Jasi informed her.
“I do have other stuff on the list,” Livia replied, deciding not to argue the fairness of this deal.
“Like? Come on, give me just one good one.”
“Like getting caught up in the moment and doing it with a stranger.”
“Okay, now we’re talking.”
“And I always wanted to go back and do it with my high school boyfriend,” Livia continued.
“That sounds like it has promise. Why him?”
“Because I regret that we never made love, even though I was crazy about him.”
“And why didn’t you?” Jasi asked, discreetly looking over to the bar and sharing a flirtatious look with the object of her desire.
“Because I was young and convinced by all the powers that be that sex was a no-no if we weren’t married.”
“Damn, I was wondering how you managed to stay a virgin until you got married.”
“Bobby Jeffries. God, he was so hot! A basketball player,” Livia said, closing her eyes and smiling at the memory. “I wonder if he still is.”
“Still is what?”
“Only one way to find out, doll.”
“I have no idea how to find him,” Livia admitted.
“Google. Facebook. You have heard of a little thing called the Internet, haven’t you?
“Don’t be stupid. Of course I have, but it doesn’t feel right stalking somebody in cyberspace. It’s like an invasion of privacy.”
“So you never looked up any of the guys you dated from eHarmony?”
“Nope, I don’t even go online that much. My assistant does all the research for the bakery.”
“Wow. You and my mom,” Jasi joked. “I’m going to get another drink. Want a refill?”
“No thanks. I still have some sketching to do when I get home. Got a couple of big events coming up—both referrals by Naomi Maddox. In this messed up economy, all I can say is thank God for her and her Glitterati friends.”
“So that will be another green teani?” Jasi insisted, ignoring Livia’s refusal. “Naomi Maddox and her friends can wait. The only work you have to do tonight is playing with yourself and the rest of the toys in that bag.”
“You know what, you’re right,” Livi said, giving voice to Quincy’s demands. “I’ve earned some down time. Let’s run a tab. I’m buying!”
Jasi laughed as she took Liv’s credit card. She was legitimately happy to see Livia feeling so lig
ht and free. Apparently, this freaky little adventure was agreeing with her. She’d never witnessed her friend feeling so loose and willing to shrug off work in the name of having some sexually mischievous fun.
“Be right back,” Jasi said, pressing the remote to add some physical to her emotional pleasure.
“Give me that thing!” Livia demanded, holding her hand out.
“Not a chance. The night’s still young.” Jasi laughed, giving her one last clit-buzz before heading over to the bar.
Jasi, casual but determined, headed straight to the side of the woman with whom she’d been eye-fucking. “Can I get another dirty martini, a green teani, and another for my friend here?” she asked Livia’s sexy bartender, gesturing to the bronze-skinned lovely next to her.
“Thank you.
“You’re welcome…”
“Jasi. You know, Belinda, I’ve been sitting over there trying to help my friend, who’s going through a tough time in her love life, but my mind and eyes keep wandering,” Jasi said, making clear two things. One, she and Livia were not a couple; and two, she found Belinda very attractive.
“And exactly where were they wandering off to?” Belinda asked suggestively, licking the salt rimming her Margarita glass.
“Ahh, that information is private. Definitely not for public revelation,” Jasi said, getting her flirt on.
Belinda laughed. “Well, maybe we should hook up sometime and you can whisper it in my ear.”
Jasi’s face broke out into a wide smile. It was definitely good news that this beautiful honey was as smokin’ as she looked. “Definitely, sooner than later, I hope,” Jasi responded, shifting her eyes toward the bathroom as an invitation.
Belinda RSVP’d with a sexy, lip-biting smile.
“Be right with you.” Jasi’s left eye winked while her mouth addressed the bartender. “Thank you,” she said as the bartender slid the drinks in front of her. “I see it’s still pretty dead in here. I was wondering if you might have the time to do me a favor,” Jasi asked, slipping the fox a fifty-dollar bill and the remote control to Livia’s panties. “See my friend over there? Could you keep her occupied for a while?”