Dare To Be Wild Read online

Page 4

  He complied, rising to his full six feet four inches, which placed his dick squarely in her face. She ran her fingertip against the tender underside of his head, causing his rock-hard shaft to bounce in her hand.

  “What do you want me to do?” she asked.

  “Suck it,” he managed to squeak out.

  “You’d like that, wouldn’t you? You want me to take that pretty, hard dick in my mouth and suck it until you come?” Her voice cracked. It was getting harder and harder to remain composed.

  “Yes, baby. I would. Please. Suck it. Kiss it. Touch or let me touch it. Do anything. I can’t stand it anymore!”

  “Or do you want to fuck me? Would you rather I suck you off or fuck you off?” She was getting bolder and nastier as the arousal escalated.

  “Either. Both.”

  “Kiss me first,” she demanded, giving him permission to touch her.

  Happily he lowered his face down to hers and filled her mouth with a hungry tongue. There was no façade of romance or love. This was a kiss fueled by pure lust. Primal desire. She loved it and it released all sense of control. She grabbed his dick and pulled it toward her. Fucking in that chair was an absolute impossibility and she damn near threw the two of them to the floor in an attempt to get him inside of her as fast as humanly possible.

  “Fuck me!” she demanded.

  She spread her legs in welcome and he grabbed his dick with one hand and pushed it inside her. Her body and mind gave a collective sigh as he glided in and out, hitting every nerve ending he could find on both the up and down stroke. After several moments of glorious poking, he placed his hands on the floor on either side of her head in order to lift his body and adjust the angle. Once again, he began to thrust and grind with mounting intensity, this time with his dick hitting her ready-to-burst bud.

  Livia couldn’t hold her pleasure at bay any longer. Her body tensed and she heard herself scream as wave after wave of orgasmic pleasure washed over her. The release was strong and powerful and seemed to last blissfully forever. She lay back, spent and happy, feeling lost and languid in her own watery afterglow. A few more minutes of lollygagging and Livia took a deep breath and lifted herself out of the bathtub. She quickly dried off, grabbed her journal and climbed into the bed and under the sheets.

  Pen in hand, Livia opened her journal to finish the list, inspired by her rub-a-dub-dub-in-the-tub activity.

  Fuck-It List

  1. Buy and play with toys.

  2. Vacation at a nude beach and go skinny-dipping.

  3. Get a sexy tattoo

  4. Sex with Kiss a woman

  4. TBD act of outrageous sexual behavior

  5. Have a one night stand with a stranger

  6. Have sex in a public place

  7. Have 91/2 Weeks sexy food play

  8. Find and fuck Bobby Jeffries

  9. Make love on a boat

  10. Buy a yellow chair.

  There it was, the fuck-it list. Giving herself a break, Livia checked off number six. It might have been sex with herself, but it was no doubt in a public place. Well, public enough, as she wasn’t at home, and there was a crowd involved, though technically they were in another room.

  You’re cheating.

  “Shut up, Ethel,” Livia demanded, as she erased the check, and her old, conservative alter ego from her mind. Okay, so technically the crowd was in another room. Shushing Ethel, she moved on to finding and fucking her first love, Bobbie Jeffries. This would definitely be a challenge, but she was intrigued by the idea of sexually experiencing the man who, then a hot and horny teenager, she’d stupidly kept her legs crossed for because they weren’t married. Number ten was going to be the hardest to pull off, but the scene at Naomi’s place had burned itself into her memory and that man had captured her imagination. But finding a suitable chair was now a mission.

  Looking it over again, she also questioned sex with a woman, crossed it off and wrote kiss before striking that off the list too. Like the chair, Livia figured adding it had everything to do with that afternoon, but while it might be the fuel of many fantasies to come, she doubted she’d ever have the courage to actually be with a woman. Sure, Lena had only good things to say about her experience, well, that is until it momentarily blew up her world, but Livia wasn’t trying to become heiress apparent to her father’s broadcasting empire.

  She downgraded that fantasy to a “to be determined” expression of outrageous sex and immediately checked it off. “There, Ethel, you satisfied?” she asked, happy that she could now legitimately check off that afternoon’s escapade. “One down and nine to go.” But Livia’s moment of satisfaction was short-lived as she looked over her list one more time.

  “Who are you kidding, Livia Charles? You are no more going to fuck someone in a public place or have a one-night stand than Jennifer Aniston is going to get Brad back.”

  Making the list had been fun, but in actuality, the only thing Livia knew for sure was going to get accomplished was number one. She was going to go online, buy a few toys, spend a weekend exploring herself with a vibrator, water down her version of what had happened at the Maddox house, report back to the crew and be done with it. And while she was definitely going to do what she needed to do to rev up her sex life, Livia sincerely doubted that the fuck-it list would be any more than an inventory of exciting fantasies for her naughty alter ego to explore within the safety of her head.

  And that’s what Livia would do. All talk no action. With a defeated sigh, Liv reached over and turned out the light.

  “Goodbye, Quincy. Welcome back, Ethel,” she said, before punching up her pillow and flopping over onto her back. As her head hit the pillow, Livia felt a tempting twitch between her legs—a silent but powerful tingle that spoke loud and very clear.

  “I don’t think so, bitch.”

  Double AA Lovin’

  “You were with him last night, weren’t you?” Chris accused Jasi once the throbbing in her pussy began to subside.

  “You are a real BK,” Jasi announced, reaching down to the floor to pick up her panties. Damn, how did she find out?

  “BK? Is that some new hip lingo you picked up from your boyfriend? What the hell does that even mean?”

  “Buzz kill. As in, instead of being able to bask in the fucking afterglow of the amazing licking you just gave me, I have to hear this shit. And for the last time, it’s not what you think.”

  “So he’s just another beard to make your mother happy?”

  “Not exactly,” Jasi said, giving Chrissie her ‘don’t go there’ look, as she zipped her jeans. She had no intention of discussing either Todd or her mother.

  “So you are fucking him.”

  “And what if I am? We’re not exclusive, remember? I made that perfectly clear when we first hooked up.” Jasi felt her tone turn cold, which she hated because Chrissie was sizzling hot and really knew her way around a pussy, but Jasi was definitely not in the mood to get into this territorial bullshit today.

  “I know we’re not exclusive,” Chrissie shot back, spitting out the word like the nail in her heart that it was. “But you should at least decide which team you’re going to play on. Either you’re a lesbian or you’re not.”

  “Are you really going there again?” Jasi got up to retrieve her T-shirt and pulled it over her naked chest. The sexy mood between them had evaporated and the only thing she wanted to do was get the hell out of Dodge. “You’ve known I was bi from the very beginning.”

  “I’m just saying, Jas, it’s not fair.”

  “Chrissie, how in the world does my liking both dick and pussy make this an unfair proposition for you or anyone else?”

  Chrissie stood and tugged at Jasi’s turquoise nugget belt buckle, pulling her lover close enough for her to see the tears pooling in her brown eyes. “Because if you don’t have a preference, then nobody has a chance with you. There’s no way to compete.”

  Jasi unleashed her “you’re precious” smile and fought to resist the temptation to
say something sweet and comforting. She also resisted the urge to reach down and suckle those delicious, coco brown, 34D’s staring up at her. She didn’t want to give Chrissie false hope by either flattering or fucking her. Besides, Jasi was scheduled to meet Livia downtown at three, and according to her watch, even if she left now, she was going to be late.

  “You’re sweet,” Jasi said, touching Chrissie’s forehead with her lips. It was the kiss of death because while she had no issue doing boys or girls, Jasi did not do cling-ons, and this sad sister was beginning to reek of Velcro. “But I have to go. I’ll call you.”

  Chrissie fell back on the couch and watched her lover pull on her boots and head for the door. Jas could tell by the look on her face that Chrissie clearly understood what had been left unsaid—she was never going to dial her number again.

  • • •

  Livia stood in front of Tickle Me Pink uncomfortably shifting her weight from foot to foot, too chicken to go inside by herself, and getting progressively more embarrassed while waiting for her chronically late friend to arrive. Livia’s intent had been to fulfill her pinky promise by partaking in a little online shopping spree. Her mistake had been calling and asking Jasi to recommend a good website. So instead of remaining an anonymous cyber freak, here she was in public. When it came to Jasi, good intentions, like Livia’s diet plans, often got shoved to the wayside.

  To tell the truth, Livia would rather be taking this excursion with Aleesa or Lena, who both were much more sexually free than she, but who would handle her with kid gloves through this. No such luck with Jasi. She was always so full steam ahead about everything, especially when it came to anything sexual. Livia had never met another woman who defined herself through the pleasure principle as much as Jasi did. She viewed sex through a man’s mindset—there was no such thing as too much or too often. Depending on what eye you looked out of, Jasi could be viewed as an insatiable freak and borderline slut, or simply a sexually evolved woman who saw the pursuit of her own pleasure as an inalienable right.

  Livia was a wee bit cross-eyed when it came to how she felt about her friend. She was indeed awed by Jasi’s self-confident sense of sexual entitlement while, at the same time, a bit taken aback by her lack of moral certitude. Jasi’s moral compass seemed to always point in the direction of N—for nasty.

  Still, in the end, it was probably a good thing that it was Jasi on the task. Livia was certain she’d push her beyond Ethel’s old lady tendencies, or at least try. Livia wasn’t quite sure how far down Jasi’s road to sexual freedom she was ready to travel at this point.

  Livi tried to settle her nerves and bubble up some bravado by channeling Quincy.

  So what would Quincy do? For Quincy, this would be no big deal. Just like going to the drugstore to pick up tampons. No, condoms, she corrected herself. Quincy would walk into this place, proud to let the clerks know that she was about to get seriously busy. Yeah, that’s what Quincy would do.

  Livia felt her body pull itself up to its full stature and turned to see Jasi speed walking up the street.

  “Hey, doll!” Jasi’s voice called out. “Sorry I’m late! Let’s go buy you a dildo!”

  The guy walking past broke out into laughter and Livia felt Quincy disappear, crushed by the weight of the ginormous cringe that had enveloped her body. Before Livia could die of embarrassment right there on the sidewalk, Jasi grabbed her elbow and whisked her inside.

  Tickle Me Pink was nothing like she’d imagined. She’d pictured in her head a seedy, dusty porn shop atmosphere, full of cheap sex novelties like blow-up sheep and sex dolls. But Livi was pleasantly surprised. This store was open and airy, and set up more like a high end jewelry store. The décor was definitely boudoir chic, carried out by black, flocked wallpaper and flourishes of hot pink. Two crystal chandeliers shed soft light on the elegantly showcased merchandise. Lining the walls were black bookcases stocked with various products grouped together by purpose.

  Okay. It was obvious she had misjudged the entire adult toy industry on the basis of days gone by when sex shops were sleazy stores peddling to pervs and predators. The whole ambiance of Tickle Me Pink bubbled with feminine pleasure.

  “So, where do you want to start?” Jasi inquired with an amused bend to her lips.

  Livia shrugged her shoulders while taking a quick check of the inventory. Vibrators and dildos in one corner. Handcuffs, crops, feather dusters and other bondage and fetish toys in another. Anal play, water play items in one section. Candles, oils, body paints and lubricants to get you in the mood, were shelved in another. There was something on these shelves for every appetite.

  “What’s a Clone-a-Willie?” Livia asked.

  “It’s a kit for you to make the perfect copy of your man’s penis,” the store clerk, who’d suddenly appeared at her side, informed them. “It comes in white and brown. Would you like to see how it works?”

  “No thanks,” Livia replied, not wanting to reveal that she didn’t have a dick at home to clone and even if she did, she’d yet to find a willie pretty enough to duplicate forever. “I’ll just look around for a bit.”

  From the corner of her eye, Liv saw Jasi mouth the words, ‘first time’ to the clerk as she walked by. Apparently, Livia decided, embarrassing her in front of every stranger they encountered was Jasi’s mission for the day.

  “It’s been a month since your party. I gotta give it to you. I didn’t think you’d actually go through with making that list,” Jasi said.

  “Oh, I made the list that very same night,” Livia admitted. “It’s just taken me this long to act on it. But I promised, so here I am.”

  Livia walked over to one of the two, tall, glass display cases. It was well-lit to showcase a bevy of glass dildos and other high-end sex toys inside. A sparkle caught her eye. Were those jewels? People actually blinged out their vibrator?

  “Are those real diamonds?”

  “Yep. Twenty-eight round cut VS1 diamonds. Well over half a carat. It’s available in both pure platinum or 24K gold,” the salesgirl said, unlocking the case and putting it in Livi’s hands.

  It had a nice heft to it and Livia couldn’t help sliding her hand up and down its smooth shaft before handing over to Jasi.

  “It’s called the JimmyJane Eternity.”

  Jasi laughed.

  “What?” Livia asked, amused by her amusement.

  “The name—Jimmy, Jane. It’s like they wanted to make sure they’d covered both bases.”

  “It’s completely waterproof and the motor is replaceable, thus the name eternity. It’s the ultimate hybrid of luxury and decadence.”

  “And how much does this ultimate hybrid cost?” Jasi asked the question Livia had been thinking.

  “The gold is two thousand seven hundred and fifty and the platinum is three thousand two hundred and fifty.”

  “Dollars? For a vibrator?” The shock in Livia’s voice matched the look of disbelief on her face. Wow! The adult toy industry was a lot more lucrative than she’d imagined.

  “It will last you forever, plus it’s pretty enough to display if you wanted to. Kate Moss and Mary-Louise Parker each have one.”

  “Well, it sounds like a real star fucker, but this is her first toy; let’s make sure she likes it before we bring out the big guns, “Jasi declared, handing the JimmyJane back. “Let’s say we start her off in the rabbit hutch.”

  Livia followed the two of them over to the shelves designated to the rabbit vibrators. Even though she didn’t own one, she’d heard about the Rabbit and knew it was popular, information gleaned both from conversations with her friends and also seeing it on reruns of Sex and the City. How sad is it when you’re still getting your sex education from a television show at nearly fifty?

  “I got this,” Jasi said, dismissing the sales girl as she pulled a purple dick off the shelf and handed it to her friend. The slightly curved shaft, with its helmet looking head, resembled a penis and was textured and grooved, but that’s where the lookalike qualities en
ded. Below the head, the shaft was filled with pearls, and jutting out below the beads was this odd-looking, double-tipped probe (thus the rabbit). It looked more like the clone of some alien’s willie, and unlike the simple dick-and-balls dildos on the next shelf. With the attached control box sporting multiple sets of buttons and flashing indicators, this was a pretty complicated piece of apparatus. And heavy, too. With this thing, Liv could definitely multitask—work on her biceps as well as her orgasms.

  “Lots going on here,” was all Livia managed to say.

  “You’ve got in your hand the best-selling and most popular vibrator sold. It twists and turns, and these little vibrating ears, whoo, girl, will become your clit’s BFF! Trust me, there’s a reason bunnies are always screwing!”

  “What’s up with the beads?”

  “They spin to stimulate the vaginal walls,” Jasi said, pushing a few buttons and setting the thing off in a noisy frenzy of shakes, shimmies and swirls.

  “What else do they have?” Livi asked, not sure if even Quincy was ready for such an assault.

  They spent the next twenty minutes checking out the Tinkle Me Pink inventory. Jasi showed Livia everything from vibrating ben wa balls to strap-ons to G-spot stimulators. Liv was feeling confused and rapidly getting bored with the whole sex toy escapade. Jasi’s tastes were too out there for a beginner like herself. The term ‘simple pleasure’ seemed an apt description for her needs. By the time they ventured into a small side room full of lingerie and other small novelty toys, Livia knew what she didn’t want, but was no closer to knowing what she did. She might have been less adventurous and reluctant to explore her sexual side than her friends, but Livi did know a thing or two about her body. If it came down to clit stimulation or penile penetration, the clit won every time. In fact, she’d never even experienced a vaginal orgasm, so Jasi’s suggestions didn’t appeal to her.

  Jasi’s phone rang, and based on the tone of her “hello” and her quiet departure from the room, this was a private conversation. As soon as she left, Livia beckoned over the sales girl, all the while hoping that Jasi would be on the phone long enough for her to make some kind of promise-keeping purchase and beat a hasty retreat.